By guaranteeing housing loans,
we hope to help our customers
to make their dreams a reality
and build a life of happiness.

Firstly, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude for your continued patronage.
Since our founding in 1981, ZENKOKU HOSHO has developed a strong business portfolio, with a focus on guaranteeing housing loans. In the early 1980s, use of public loan systems, such as the former Government Housing Loan Corporation, was the norm for housing loans. Against this backdrop, ZENKOKU HOSHO was founded as a credit guarantee company, under the welfare pension and sublease housing financing system of the (now defunct) Pension Welfare Service Public Corporation. In 1997, we initiated what would become our current main business, namely our guarantee service for housing loans from private financial institutions, and since then we have continued to take advantage of our strengths as an independent guarantee company in order to expand the scale of our business operations. Going forward, we will continue to utilize, to the maximum extent, the business base and networks that we have built up over the years, in order to contribute to the development of local communities, and strive each and every day to be able to provide guarantee products and services that meet the needs of more and more customers and financial institutions.
As a company guaranteeing housing loans, we have an outstanding guarantee exposure exceeding 17 trillion yen, which is an extremely large responsibility. We will continue striving to develop our business, while making every effort to increase our corporate value. In these efforts, we are deeply appreciative of your support and encouragement.